The Happiness Equation. E-book with audio version
This is a ride like no other! We are not about to get into self-help clichés, we will go straight into joy and peace. Still, before we get down to cocking, it's a good idea to set the tone. Think about the last experience in your life that made you genuinely happy. Have you just received a promotion at work, got the chance to be with the whole family, or did you just let the sun's warmth envelop you? Happiness has its own types and sizes, without any exceptions, but how can they be defined? How can we become genuinely fulfilled? This is where the science of happiness leaps in. It's the one, the only hero of the happiness researches, which throws light on the things that make people glad to be alive. In this mind-blowing trip, we will dig into positive psychology and love the way expertise helps us find real happiness.
E-book and audio version contain The Happiness Equation reveals the secrets to achieving lasting happiness through practical strategies and mindset shifts that transform your life